Watch the short 5-minute Video Below, from Guidant Financial, to learn about how to set up a self-directed IRA for self-employed individuals and business owners. This company has extremely low fees (about $105/year) and has the track record and experience to help you set up your IRA keep you in compliance with  IRS Guidelines and Codes but still give you the flexibility.  The unique setup with this company is that you will have complete checkbook control which will allow you to capitalize on opportunities quickly. 

Self-Directed IRA Video (Guidant Financial--IDirect)

    No, I don't work for Guidant Financial.  I just think they are a great resource that investors would really benefit from.  That's what this blog is all about.  If you have some great resource that you think other investors would benefit, don't be stingy.  We would like to invite you to be a contributing author on this Blog and share with us your knowledge and friendship!

    Just email me or leave me a comment and so I can invite you on.


    Some Cool Pictures from my HTC-3D Phone.  I then enhanced it using Google's software. Enjoy!

    From my HTC-3D Phone Camera

    Photo Above-Google Enhanced

    Photo Taken with HTC 3D Camera.

    Same Photo Above- Google Enhanced
    Regular Picture from my HTC-3D Phone.

    Above Picture-Google Enhanced


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